Sharing Schedule

Thursday 30 January 2014


We were very lucky today at Linwood School! We had Dean, who is a jigger, come in and teach us some jigging steps. We worked hard, learned the steps and can now jig to the Red River Jig!

Friday 24 January 2014

More Math!

We have been learning our "10 Friends." These are the numbers that go together to make 10. This is one of the mental math strategies focused on in Grade 1. This will help us with related addition and subtraction. For example, if you know that 7+3 is 10 then it will be easier to figure out that 7+4 is 11. We had math centers today to practice our 10 friends and we learned two new math games!

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Doll house

We just received a doll house for our classroom. We can use our imaginations while we play cooperatively.
Tiffani says: "It is very fun!"
 Ayla says: "We like it because it is fun to play with."
Ajay likes the bed the best because it looks fancy.
Winner wonders if you know that the roof can change from spring to winter.

Wednesday 15 January 2014


The class set of seven iPads have arrived and the students are so motivated to use them during our learning routines. So far, we have used the iPads to "Listen to Reading" during Daily 5 and to practice our spelling words during Word Work. They are also being used as a math centre. It will be an exciting year as we discover together how to enrich and extend learning with these motivating tools!
If you have not yet sent in headphones for your child, please do so soon. Thank you.

Monday 13 January 2014

Grade 1 Math!

We have begun learning about addition and subtraction! We are focusing on numbers to twelve right now and are learning some "tricks" to adding and subtracting. We are practicing every day and have learned some new math games. Most of our games can be played with just some cards and dice. Ask your child to teach you one of them at home!

Ace is Left

King 7

Addition Snap

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Just the Facts!

Did you know that over 85% of reading and writing we do as adults is non-fiction? (Stead, 2001)

In Language Arts, the students are beginning our study of non-fiction. We will learn about the unique features of non-fiction books, including: table of contents, headings, maps and labelled diagrams. As fact books are read aloud, the children are encouraged to confirm what they already knew and note new information.  Reading and listening to factual books helps build background knowledge about a variety of topics which can lead to greater success at school. We will soon begin writing our own non-fiction books in Writer's Workshop which will allow the children to share their interests and expertise with their classmates.