Sharing Schedule

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Reading Comprehension

Grade one is an exciting time as students learn to read.  In addition to learning how to read, we also teach students to actively think and wonder while they listen to books read aloud to develop their reading comprehension skills.  The strategy that the children are learning now is "Asking Questions and Making Inferences".  Before, during and after we read a story aloud, the children pose questions about the book. They are learning that sometimes the book answers their questions and other times they are left to make an inference.

As you read books at home together, please encourage your child to share their questions, inferences and predictions.

Here is a sample of the great questions the children posed today with our teacher candidate, Ms. Hrychuk.  The final column indicates whether the book (B) answered their question or if they had to figure it out by inferring (I).


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