Sharing Schedule

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Reading Comprehension

Grade one is an exciting time as students learn to read.  In addition to learning how to read, we also teach students to actively think and wonder while they listen to books read aloud to develop their reading comprehension skills.  The strategy that the children are learning now is "Asking Questions and Making Inferences".  Before, during and after we read a story aloud, the children pose questions about the book. They are learning that sometimes the book answers their questions and other times they are left to make an inference.

As you read books at home together, please encourage your child to share their questions, inferences and predictions.

Here is a sample of the great questions the children posed today with our teacher candidate, Ms. Hrychuk.  The final column indicates whether the book (B) answered their question or if they had to figure it out by inferring (I).



This week we have been working on centers that have to do with coding!  The students all took turns at the four centers and got to work on some interesting projects!

At one of the centers, the students worked on the ipad app called Daisy the Dinosaur.  They got to learn the basics of coding commands while making Daisy the dinosaur jump, spin, grow and shrink!

At another center, the students made robots with "Cubelets." They made robots that could move, make sounds and shine a light!

At the third center, the students made a lego gameboard and had to use coding commands to get their lego pieces from the start to the end.

At the final center, the students got to use "Ozobots."  These are small robots that follow paths and color codes that make them move in certain ways.  The students got to make their own paths for the Ozobots to follow and had the Ozobots spinning, moving slower, faster and turning in different directions!

Monday, 20 March 2017

Spring Celebration

Today we celebrated the first day of spring!  We worked in our table groups and brainstormed how we use our senses in the spring.  We planted bean seeds and we are going to watch them grow!  We began writing spring poems and changed our winter mural into a spring mural!
Happy Spring!


Friday, 3 March 2017

Forts and Flashlights

On our last day of I Love to Read week, we went to the library and made forts with our buddies. Then we crawled inside with our buddies and used a flashlight to read. How fun!

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

I Love to Read

We have been celebrating our love of reading this week at Linwood.  This afternoon we had a special guest reader who taught us about her job and read us a funny story about doughnuts!  Constable Alana is our School Resource officer and the children were so curious about her job. Many great questions were asked and the students learned how a police officer helps keep our community safe. Constable Alana let the children touch her handcuffs and her police badge.  Constable Alana loves to read and write and shared that reading and writing are important skills for police officers.