Some students explored the woodworking station and worked with hammers and screwdrivers or made their project a bit more beautiful with some paint.
Enjoying the sunshine by painting rocks and sticks.
Getting carried away with smiles in the water play area on a sunny day!
We walked over to the Nature Playground one day to appreciate the wonderful playground in our own local community.
Jamie Oliviero, a local storyteller, captivated our students with rich, imaginative stories. They had the pleasure of listening to Jamie weave magical tales and the children actively participated with actions, silly voices and songs.
Splashing in the puddles - it is fun to play in the rain!
A student found ladybugs and ladybug larvae - interesting to see the life cycle in nature.
The kids created faces using natural found items, like leaves, mushrooms, pebbles and wild flowers.
Reading in the shade!
The bike rodeo! Whether riding a real back or an imaginary one, all of the students learned to use hand signals, stop at stop signs, crosswalks and train tracks and to look where they were going. Thanks MPI!
Finally, our outing to Truro Creek! We released our tadpoles with their back legs back to the pond that they were born.
Then the children went critter dipping. They had identification cards so they could determine which creatures they found. Our class found frogs, tadpoles, little fish, snails, damselfly larvae, dragonfly larvae, leeches, water spiders and numerous aquatic insects. Wonderful discoveries!